Q&A with Bryan Boan

Bryan serves as the Digital Marketing Manager (aka a storyteller) as he captures the impact of the organization through photography and videography. He’s traveled around the world and experienced many cultures, so see what he has to say about his role with the organization.

What do you love most about your job?

Being able to show how shoes and hope can make a difference. It isn't just about the shoes, but showing the journey of someone. There is something beautiful about capturing a moment where people are being served. It is a pure form of humanity and an honor to tell the story.

Share about one of your favorite Samaritan’s Feet trips and why it impacted you.

Each trip holds a special place. From work with underground churches to driving for hours into the bush to traveling to another part of our country, it is always eye-opening. But, Uganda always holds a special place in my heart. There is something about landing in Entebbee and making the drive through Kampala to Gulu or Jinja. I can think and reminisce on the faces and photos of so many great experiences there. The need is so overwhelming, but meeting people on the front line who give their lives to help so many is special. Stepping into a refugee camp changes everything about you: our team sat across from women who lost everything and grabbed what children they could and fled. Tears flowed on both sides as we knew we were supposed to be in this moment just to care.

Is there someone you've served, or captured serving, who impacted you significantly? Share how and why.

I always go back to my first ever event with Samaritan’s Feet inn Rock Hill, SC. I didn't want to serve, just take photos. But the line was backing up so I jumped in to help speed things up. The shoes were limited in number as it was towards the end of the day. A young 3rd grader sat across from me—she was a chatterbox. I bent over to remove her shoes and noticed she had braces on both ankles. I wasn’t sure how new shoes would fit or the issues we may have, so I just hoped we had shoes that worked. With the first pair we brought her, her eyes filled with joy, but quickly looked down as the shoes did not fit. The second pair she liked even more, but again they did not fit. I was struggling at this point but as the saying goes, the third time is a charm. As I carried the shoes over, she was over the moon excited saying how purple was her favorite color. I still remember the joy and excitement she expressed and I also remember the joy and excitement I felt. A purple pair of keds changed everything for me.

What is your favorite photo you've taken for SF?

The photo below is from King Solomon's school in Uganda. It was one of my first trips and first days shooting. I remember sitting in the courtyard of the school with so much hustle and bustle of children playing. My finger was fast on the shutter. This moment came to life later that night as I began to edit. As I look back and reflect it was a defining moment. A moment I knew I had the responsibility to do something about what we see. It wasn't a moment of pity or feeling sorry, but it was a moment to empower and a reminder that we are all in this together.


What is your favorite video you've taken or put together for Samaritan’s Feet?

My favorite video comes from Uganda about a single mother named Prossy. She has five children and, as a single mother, struggles to provide. I spent the morning with her and her children showing the need for shoes. Just watch the video below and you will understand.

Anything else to share?

Telling the story of humanity and giving people the dignity they deserve through the lens is the honor of a lifetime. I hope to see one of you join us to experience the same life-changing moments I have had the joy to experience.


Quick Hello from Charlotte Cares


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