Working in Haiti
One of the amazing partners of Samaritan’s Feet, Food for the Poor, recently helped distribute a container of new shoes in Haiti. We’re excited to share some of the details from their report of our efforts together:
Haiti is the most impoverished country in the Western Hemisphere with close to 60 percent of the population living below the poverty line.
The situation in Haiti has worsened and is commonly described as volatile. The country, already in turmoil, reached a new level of instability with the assassination of the country’s president in 2021, followed by a widespread gang crisis and civil unrest among the general population.
The southern part of Haiti was devastated by the earthquake of Aug. 14, 2021. According to the government, this earthquake affected approximately 800,000 people. Thousands of families lost everything and could not afford to buy anything. The effects for many were devastating.
Food For The Poor (FFTP) and Samaritan’s Feet were able to support the victims of this earthquake.
Paroisse Sainte Anne
Located in the municipality of Cayimites Island, the Paroisse Sainte Anne is a community of about 12,000 inhabitants and has been led by Father Francien Bernard since 2012. An area severely affected by the earthquake, the donation allowed Father Bernard to meet the needs of about 100 people. Not only were the donated items shared with many families in need after Sunday services and others seeking assistance, but Father Bernard also went door to door so that he could reach both the elderly and those living with disabilities who are unable to leave their homes.
“This donation is a blessing,” Father Bernard said. “On behalf of all the beneficiaries, I send many blessings to the generous donors for providing this much-needed shipment of shoes and clothes.”
Orphelinat Bon Berger de Bigarousse
This children’s home is located in the town of Les Cayes and was founded in 2008 by Pastor Elysee Jean. Sixty-five children between the ages of 7 and 17 reside there. The majority of them were previously living with their single mothers and found to be in vulnerable situations. Father Bernard distributed shoes and clothes to the children who reside at the children’s home and to others in the surrounding community.
“I have no words to express my gratefulness to the donors because I don’t have enough money to buy the children this kind of stuff,” Pastor Jean said. “Thank God that I get these generous donations from wonderful organizations who care for the less fortunate.”